Turkey DROP!!

Thank you for hearing the call to help our community this Thanksgiving. SHS caregivers made donations that were matched by the agency to the annual Mel Trotter Ministries Turkey Drop on Nov. 20. In its 21st Turkey Drop, Mel Trotter Ministries collected over 6,000 turkeys for those in need in West Michigan. Thank you for your help!

Caregiver Jan Demnick & friend at a Turkey drop center.

Grief Support Group

New program starting

Are you are navigating the difficult journey of grief? However long it's been since your loss, you are welcome to participate in the upcoming 6-week section of the Mindul Christian’s free Grief Support Group - a place to share stories, listen, and support one another.

Facilitated by Irene Kraegel, licensed clinical psychologist, the group will meet August 8 through September 12 on Thursdays from 6:30-7:45pm.

 For information, location, & registration, contact Irene at 616-202-1457 or irene@themindfulchristian.com