Dementia Caregiver Training Opportunity

As more and more of our clients are dealing with dementia or Alzheimer's challenges, we have been looking for training resources to help prepare you for those assignments. In order for you to have the best caregiving experience, we believe you need access to helpful and appropriate training. Being confident that you can provide good care is essential to your experience with us.

I have two options to share with you:

1. Care Training Resource video program sponsored by the Alzheimer's Association.

This online program offers individual training in dementia care, as well as individual certification by the Alzheimer's Association to recognize those who complete the program and demonstrate knowledge of quality dementia care practices.

essentiALZ Dementia Basics: This certification can be earned after taking the approved prerequisite training, CARES® Dementia Basics (4 hours). The essentiALZ Dementia Basic exam covers the basics of Alzheimer’s and dementia care, understanding behavior, communication and person-centered care.

We have prepaid for several courses and will gladly offer a $40.00 bonus to each person who successfully passes the exam and becomes certified. Please call the Office to get started with this course.

2. If you are already familiar with Alzheimer's care and just need a refresher, or do not currently have any Alzheimer's client and want to start learning, this is a very helpful brochure you can print.

Alzheimer's Behaviors Brochure for Caregivers, click here.



Chemical Free Cleaning tools available

Orders due to Jessica by August 24

We are pleased to continue to make healthy cleaning alternatives available to all our caregivers through our relationship with Norwex Consultant Betsy Kimberlin.  The opportunity to help our seniors, particularly, those on limited income with healthy cleaning tools that do not use additional chemicals is important to Managed Senior Care.  

You can take a look at all their products by going to Betsy's website. No need to order online, just call the office

If you are thinking you would like to purchase some additional cleaning tools, please give our Billing Administrator Jessica a call or text. She is placing an order on August 24.  Her cell number is 616-802-7972 or her extension is 305 when you call the office number, 616-234-0190.

Diabetes PATH Leader wanted

Hello caregivers,

Are you interested in becoming a leader? Do you like to help out those who are struggling with Diabetes? If so, this opportunity might be just for you.

We are looking for two employees to become Diabetes PATH (Personal Action Toward Health) Leaders. A Diabetes PATH Leader is someone who is a role model for healthy behaviors, possesses good listening skills, is dependable and consistent, and who is able to express empathy to the needs and abilities of others. PATH Leaders must be willing and available to co-facilitate a DIABETES PATH workshop, which are often groups of 12-16 individuals. These workshops meet once a week for six weeks, each session being 2 1/2 hours long.

If this sounds like something you want to do, the training details and contact information are listed below:

Location: 3215 Eaglecrest Dr. Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Date: August 28-31

Time: 9am-4pm every day

Cost: Free. Lunch is provided.

Contact Nora or Ann at MSC to learn more. We will gladly cover your time at the PATH training on August 28 - 31. Call soon.

Applications are due by Aug. 17, 2017.