Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.  MT 25:40 

Happy SHS Anniversary

5 Years This Year

  • Beth Litchfield

  • Mary Duncan, RN

  • Tammi Ross RN

  • Elizabeth (Leeza) Elbanna

  • Etta Condon

  • Gloria Fuller

Just hitting 1 Year

  • Barbara Howard

  • Shelly Reeder

  • Lori Taylor

  • Martha Burk

  • Holly (LPN) Smits

  • Shirley Shattuck

  • Janine Carlton

  • Janette (RN) VanderVeen

Working together - we make a difference

Welcome Summer - as we anticipate the start of summer here in West Michigan with the approaching Memorial Day weekend, we have much to celebrate! While Covid variants are occasionally knocking us off our game, the manageable response to the virus is answer to prayer. It was only 2 years ago that we were shut-in and uncertain of that the future would bring.

Nora and I want all of you to know, whether you have been with us through this whole stressful time, or recently joined our team, how every appreciative we are of all your work. Week after week you take care of the most vulnerable among our community. Because of you, your clients are living their last years in their homes where they want to be. Because of you, they are not alone! God Bless you!

This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. 13 Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God … for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. 2 Corinthian 9:12

Reducing the Impact

In an effort to help you navigate the rising costs of gas, we have made a few changes in our scheduling operation. The biggest change you will experience is the average duration of our shifts.

In an effort to reduce your driving requirements, we are scheduling longer shifts. We have done this to keep you at the same number of hours each week, while reducing the miles you drive to client homes. All new clients are bought on with an understanding that our shifts are a minimum of 3 hours. We also work very hard to schedule either morning or afternoon shifts, so that you have the ability to complete two 3 hour shifts each day, while traveling to only 1 additional home.

As always you are invited to share your ideas to improve working for Managed Senior Care and our operations. Our 2022 employee survey will be sent out shortly. Please take a minute to reply. We look forward to hearing from you.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend.