Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. MT 25:40
Happy SHS Anniversary
5 Years This Year
Beth Litchfield
Mary Duncan, RN
Tammi Ross RN
Elizabeth (Leeza) Elbanna
Etta Condon
Gloria Fuller
Just hitting 1 Year
Barbara Howard
Shelly Reeder
Lori Taylor
Martha Burk
Holly (LPN) Smits
Shirley Shattuck
Janine Carlton
Janette (RN) VanderVeen
Supplemental Insurance
AFLAC supplemental insurance provides an additional layer of financial protection for you and your family in the event of a serious accident or illness.
We are proud to offer Disability and Life Insurance among others for all employees that work 10 hours or more a week. Visit AFLAC Product to learn more about the coverages offered.
One of the most exciting elements of the AFLAC policy is that they are portable, which means you not only have the coverage while you work for us, but you can take it with you. Think about it - Life insurance with no underwriting, that you can keep for 10 years, even if you no longer work here.
If you are interested in receiving more information on the AFLAC coverages, please request additional information by requesting an information session with our Agent.
Virtual Employee Information meetings will be held Oct 24 and 25.
For more information about coverage options and amounts, click here
New CDC Guidlines for Covid-19
We are experiencing another round of active Covid-19 cases in West Michigan. Several of you have called the office recently because you tested positive or learned about a close contact exposure. Unfortunately, the virus is still with us and it is important to protect both ourselves and our seniors.
Eff. 8/11/2 - The CDC has updated their Covid-19 guidelines to reflect the current environment of available vaccinations and boosters. Please note the current guidelines we must follow are below.
People who have had a Close Contact exposure should monitor their symptoms for 10 days and wear a mask for that time. (Cloth mask is not acceptable for Healthcare Professionals.)
Take two tests on Day Four and Day Five after your exposure, at least 24 hours apart. (Free tests are available through the post office.
· No Work Restrictions. No quarantine period.
If Test Positive for Covid:
If mild, symptomatic COVID-19:
Isolation can end at 5 days after symptom onset and after fever ends for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and if symptoms are improving, AND
if they can wear a well-fitted mask around others for 5 more days after the 5-day isolation period.
Day 0 is the first day of symptoms.
If asymptomatic (never develop symptoms):
Isolation can end at least 5 days after the first positive test (with day 0 being the date their specimen was collected for the positive test), AND
if they wear a properly well-fitted mask around others for 5 more days after the 5-day isolation period.
If symptoms develop after a positive test, their 5-day isolation period should start over (day 0 changes to the first day of symptoms).
People who have moderate COVID-19 illness: Isolate for 10 days.
All employees that test positive are removed from the schedule for 10 days from symptoms or test date. If you have a negative test after day 5, please call the office to be added back to the schedule.
Thank you for all you do to take care of the seniors in our community.