Dementia Friends Session- Grand Rapids July 18

Hello caregivers!

Would you like to learn more about dementia, how it affects people, and what actions you can take to make a difference for people living with dementia? If so, join Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan for a one hour session tomorrow, Tuesday, July 18 from 9:00am to 10:00am. You will learn how to recognize signs of dementia, how to effectively interact with people living with dementia, and how you can make our community a friendlier place through your daily work and community interactions by supporting people with dementia.

LocationArea Agency on Aging West Michigan. 3215 Eaglecrest Dr. NE Grand Rapids, MI 

Registration: $5.00 per person, payable at event

Ways to register:

  1. Go to and under the tab "Become Dementia Friendly", select 'Upcoming Dementia Friend Session', and fill out the information required.
  2. Call (616)-222-7036 and leave a message with your name and the session date you will be attending.

For more information, visit their website,, or check out their Facebook at Dementia Friendly Grand Rapids. I think this class will help you become more comfortable with some of our clients, as well as potentially some of your family members.

Transfer Training Class Coming up on June 8 @ AAAWM

Easter Seals and the Area Agency on Aging of W Michigan are conducting a comprehensive class on transferring in June.

Transfer Training Workshop 

If you have to help transfer your loved one into chairs, out of the bathtub, in the car, into bed or help them walk throughout the home then this is the class for you!


Who: Caregivers who want to learn how to transfer their loved ones safely and protect themselves from injury.

What: An interactive class that teaches caregivers how to use a gait belt for safe transfers, bed mobility, lower body dressing and a guide when walking. This class also gives brief instruction on how to use a sliding board and other transfer equipment using proper body mechanics to protect the caregiver and care recipient’s back and joints.

When:    Thursday June 8, 2017 from 1:00-3:00pm

Where:  Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan

                3215 Eaglecrest Dr NE

                 Grand Rapids, MI 49525


$5 suggested donation payable at the door


Register by emailing your name to or call (616)947-4809 


This class is funded through the Older Americans Act








Butterflies are Blooming again

The annual Butterflies are Blooming exhibition is open again at Meijer Gardens. If you haven't been to the gardens lately, consider planning a field trip for you and your receiver. 

We have an organizational pass that will get you and your client in free to the exhibit. Just let Danna know if you would like to reserve it for a day. 

Medicare Prescription Drug Plan - OPEN ENROLLMENT



Now is the time to review your Prescription Drug Plan and determine if you want to make changes. To help you in your decision making I want to share a service I recently came across. 

MMAP, Inc. is a local service that works through the Area Agencies on Aging to provide high quality and accessible health benefit information and counseling, supported by a statewide network of unpaid and paid skilled professionals. Too many of our seniors share stories of exorbitant medical and prescription bills. I breaks my heart to hear what they are dealing with when there are good options available, they just don't know about them. 

Please think about calling and having your plan reviewed and then sharing your knowledge with your Receivers.

CALL 1-800-803-7174 to get started.

This is a great link full of wonderful resources and additional Medicare and Medicaid information, from MMAP. click here