We are excited to share with you additional training for assisting Alzheimer's clients that is available to all employees. Several employees have already completed this program and offered outstanding feedback on the program. Please consider making the time for the program.
This online program offers individual training in dementia care, as well as individual certification by the Alzheimer's Association to recognize those who complete the program and demonstrate knowledge of quality dementia care practices.
essentiALZ Dementia Basics: This certification can be earned after taking the approved prerequisite training, CARES® Dementia Basics (4 hours). The essentiALZ Dementia Basic exam covers the basics of Alzheimer’s and dementia care, understanding behavior, communication and person-centered care.
We have prepaid for several courses and will gladly offer a $40.00 bonus to each person who successfully passes the exam and becomes certified. Please call Danna or Nora to get started with this course.