July is Social Wellness month and don’t we all need this some times. Isolation and loneliness are an epidemic in our country and the leading cause of many mental and physical ailments. There is no where this is more prevelant than with our seniors. Consider how you can help your senior connect just a little bit more this month.
There are three ways Seniors can make the most of Social Wellness Month
Explore events at your local senior center. By joining hobby groups and exercise classes, you can meet new people.
Host a Get-Together. Get friends and family together for a game or movie night, potluck dinner or holiday gathering.
Connect through virtual meetings. When you cannot meet in person, chatting on line is the next best thing. You can catch up with long-distance family friends or join virtual communities or enroll in online classes.
Be creative and think of ideas of how you can help your senior get connected. Make sure you share your efforts with us. We want to hear about your efforts. Send pictures to the office and we will share here next month!