Annual Updates

Working together on the Care Plan

It’s time for our annual effort to make sure all Client Care Plans and emergency contacts are current in our system. We are committed to caregivers being fully informed before they go in to care for a senior, however, the care a senior needs often changes quickly. While caregivers are asked to always inform the office of changes, occassionally the updates get behind. Annually we make an special effort to review the plans for every senior.

Over the next 2 weeks, please review all of your Client Care Plans and emergency contacts to confirm they are current.

To View the Care Goals

•Select Shift > Care Plan > Care Needs > Care Goals


To View the Emergency Contacts

Select Menu > Client > Contact Icon


Send Updates to the Office

You can text the office at 616-234-0190 if there are only a few changes. Larger record changes should be emailed to Make sure to only use your client’s initial and last name in any text or email.

Thank you for your help.